
Rin is a blog based on Cloudflare Pages + Workers + D1 + R2. It does not require a server to deploy. It can be deployed just with a domain name that resolves to Cloudflare.



  1. Support GitHub OAuth login. By default, the first logged-in user has management privileges, and other users are ordinary users
  2. Support article writing and editing
  3. Support local real-time saving of modifications/edits to any article without interfering between multiple articles
  4. Support setting it as visible only to yourself, which can serve as a draft box for cloud synchronization or record more private content
  5. Support dragging/pasting uploaded images to a bucket that supports the S3 protocol and generating links
  6. Support setting article aliases, and access articles through links such as
  7. Support articles not being listed in the homepage list
  8. Support adding links of friends' blog, and the backend regularly checks and updates the accessible status of links every 20 minutes
  9. Support replying to comment articles/deleting comments
  10. Support sending comment notifications through Webhook
  11. Support automatic identification of the first picture in the article and display it as the header image in the article list
  12. Support inputting tag texts such as "#Blog #Cloudflare" and automatically parsing them into tags
  13. For more features, please refer to